Dr. LaVerne Demientieff, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Social Work
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Dr. LaVerne Xilegg Demientieff is an Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Bachelor of Social Work program, where she has taught since 2006. She is a licensed master social worker through the state of Alaska. Dr. Demientieff received an Master's of Social Work from Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis, MO and her PhD in Social Work from the University of Utah in 2017. Her PhD dissertation was focused on Indigenous wellness, and her current research is focused on looking at how traditional practices in Dene' communities (one urban, one rural) lead to health and wellness prevention and intervention. She is a statewide trainer on the topics of historical trauma and historical wellness, adverse childhood experiences, resilience, trauma informed care, and healing centered care. Dr. Demientieff's research interests focus on examining how cultural and traditional practices contribute to individual, family, group and community resilience, health, healing and wellness, specifically with indigenous people of Alaska.
The presenter reports no conflicts of interest.